When my grandmother passed away, I was astonished to learn that I had been named the executor of her estate. After splitting up her belongings amongst my aunts and uncles, I turned my attention to planning her funeral. I didn't know where to start. Fortunately, I was able to find an excellent funeral home that understood how to help people plan beautiful memorial services. It was amazing to go through the process of planning the music, the speakers, and even the set-up of the room. This blog is all about planning gorgeous memorial services for the people that you love so that you aren't left grappling with difficult decisions.
If you've always wished to shed this mortal coil by having an old-fashioned burial at sea, you may be wondering whether this is even still a possibility in today's world with the number of regulations surrounding what can be placed in rivers, lakes, and oceans. Fortunately, there are still a number of environmentally-friendly and inexpensive options that will allow your family and friends to honor your memory in the way you've always dreamed. Read on to learn more about how you can pre-plan your burial at sea.
What laws govern burial at water?
In order for human remains to be legally disposed of at sea (or in any landlocked body of water), they must first be cremated. If you're having these cremated remains scattered in the ocean, you'll need to ensure you're at least 3 nautical miles from land. Scattering cremated remains is legal in some smaller bodies of water, but regulations vary widely by jurisdiction so you'll want to check with the state or county government to determine whether you'll be able to be legally scattered.
What are your sea burial options besides scattering?
If your surviving family members don't like the thought of shaking out a plastic bag filled with cremains into the sea, there are a variety of alternatives that can provide you with a sea burial in a tasteful and memorable way.
Many warm-water parts of the ocean serve as home to millions of tiny coral polyps, which provide a boon to the local ecosystem. Some companies can now use your cremains to mold a cement reef that can serve as a base on which coral polyps can attach and begin to build Because coral reefs take tens of thousands of years to develop, using your remains to grow a future coral reef can ensure you remain an integral part of the underwater biosphere for millennia to come.
A water urn is constructed of sand, sugar, or another substance that dissolves completely after a few hours in water. Because these urns can last for decades when not exposed to water, they're versatile enough to allow your surviving family members to keep you in a cherished spot for years and then bury you at sea during the trip of a lifetime. After being placed in the water, this urn will slowly float away, dissolving after your family members have headed back to shore.
For more information or planning options, contact a local funeral home, like Romero Family Funeral Home Corp.
Share10 November 2015