Planning A Beautiful Service

When my grandmother passed away, I was astonished to learn that I had been named the executor of her estate. After splitting up her belongings amongst my aunts and uncles, I turned my attention to planning her funeral. I didn't know where to start. Fortunately, I was able to find an excellent funeral home that understood how to help people plan beautiful memorial services. It was amazing to go through the process of planning the music, the speakers, and even the set-up of the room. This blog is all about planning gorgeous memorial services for the people that you love so that you aren't left grappling with difficult decisions.

How To Help An Elderly Person Get The Most Out Of Grief Counseling


Grief counseling can be a powerful tool to help bereaved people deal with their loss, get help with the grieving process, and start the healing journey. Some elderly people may be hesitant to go to grief counseling because of pre-existing attitudes towards therapy, while others may be eager to have someone objective to talk to about their feelings. Many funeral homes like Brown Funeral Home offer grief counseling, or you can ask your loved one's doctor for recommendations. You can also help your elderly loved one get the most out of grief counseling by offering assistance in the following ways.

Provide a Ride

Transportation often becomes an issue for elderly people who may be too embarrassed to talk about their diminished mobility or the fact that using a car or public transportation is no longer easy for them. If you know that your loved one wants to go to grief counseling, offer a ride to and from the appointment each week. That time with you can provide extra incentive for the person to go the counseling sessions, too.

Lend an Ear

Let your loved one know that you are interested in hearing about how their appointment went if they want to share. Also let the person know that you respect their privacy and preferences about how much they want to share about the experience. Some people want to talk about each therapy session, while others want things said there to remain private. Elderly people are often lonely, so providing an extra listening ear can work wonders.

Offer Specific Help

Some older people may feel that they can't spare the time to go to grief counseling because the burdens of responsibility that rest on their shoulders. However, it can difficult to even perform simple chores when someone is overwhelmed with grief. Offer to help the bereaved elderly person out so that they feel more free to go to the counseling sessions. Be sure to offer help that's specific to the person. Some ideas include the following:

  • State that you'll stop by to walk the dog each morning for a month so that they have one less morning responsibility. One less thing on their mind can help free up their mental energy in small ways.
  • Offer to bring over dinner once per week so that the two of you can share it and talk. You may opt to do this on the day of therapy so the person doesn't have to worry about cooking on the day when they see a grief counselor.
  • Tackle a tough project alongside your loved one. State that, since they have the courage to deal with their feelings in grief counseling, that you will also conquer your fears about some big household project that needs completion. Not only will working with you on a project provide the person more time with you, but it will also help them accomplish something practical that can help them feel better and more in control of their life during this tough process of grieving.

Finally, keep in mind that everyone's experience with grief will be different. By encouraging your elderly loved one to try grief counseling and supporting their healing journey, you are doing the most you can to help during what may be the most difficult time of their life. Be sure to listen to what they have to say on the process and offer to help them with however they want to proceed with counseling as their journey continues.


26 July 2016