
Four Ways To Make Your In-Ground Burial More Budget-Friendly


If you have your heart set on resting in the ground after you pass on, it doesn't mean you need to build up a large fortune to make it happen. There are budget-friendly options you can choose to help reduce the financial burden on yourself and your loved ones at the time of your funeral. As a bonus, some of them are eco-friendly as well as budget-friendly. Here are four ways you can customize your in-ground burial during the pre-planning stage to make it easier on your budget.

13 September 2016

Memorial Service Ideas To Incorporate In Your Family Member's Veterans Funeral Package


If your recently deceased family member was in the army for many years, and you would like to hold a memorial service in their honor that will demonstrate the respect that you have for them and describe what type of person they were, consider including the following ideas when planning the event. Personalized Buttons Select a photograph of your loved one donning the uniform that they were required to wear as an active military member.

12 August 2016

4 Little Known Facts About Funeral Planning


Planning a funeral can be a stressful time in your life. To add to it, you probably have never had to plan a funeral before, so you may not be aware of all your options to make it as stress-free and affordable as possible. Funerals are expensive, so it's important to know these four little known facts about planning a funeral for your loved one: You Are Able to Rent a Casket:  The casket is probably one of the most expensive parts of planning a funeral.

31 July 2016

How To Help An Elderly Person Get The Most Out Of Grief Counseling


Grief counseling can be a powerful tool to help bereaved people deal with their loss, get help with the grieving process, and start the healing journey. Some elderly people may be hesitant to go to grief counseling because of pre-existing attitudes towards therapy, while others may be eager to have someone objective to talk to about their feelings. Many funeral homes like Brown Funeral Home offer grief counseling, or you can ask your loved one's doctor for recommendations.

26 July 2016

Not Just For Somber Events: Think Of Booking A Funeral Home For Your Upcoming Gathering


For many people, the only time that they walk through the doors of a funeral home is to attend the service for someone who has passed away or to perhaps make their own pre-arrangements. What many people don't know, however, is that it's often possible to rent one or more of the rooms in a funeral home for reasons that don't relate to a funeral. If you're planning an upcoming event and want to consider as many venues as possible, don't shy away from visiting a few local funeral homes and asking about their availability and openness to hosting non-funeral events.

6 July 2016

What Funeral Directors Want You To Know


Planning a funeral is stressful and overwhelming for many people. All you want to do is grieve for your loved one, but you need to handle the paperwork and arrangements. You will deal with a funeral director, and here are four things they want you to know, but won't necessarily tell you. 1. Let Them Do the Planning You don't need to plan every little detail. This is not your wedding or a happy event.

28 June 2016

2 Reasons To Utilize A Burial At Sea Service


Fulfilling your loved one's desire to be buried at sea is often a difficult endeavor as many people simply have no idea where to start with the process and what steps need to be taken. Thankfully, a burial at sea service is capable of helping you throughout the entire process by providing numerous service options that can assist with a wide range of situations and religious burial beliefs. Listed below are two reasons to utilize a burial at sea service.

17 June 2016

Looking To Keep Your Funeral Home On Top Of Trends? Consider Adding Alkaline Hydrolysis To Your Cremation Services


If you're looking for a new way for your funeral home to compete in the funeral services market, it may be time to consider adding alkaline hydrolysis—also known as water cremation—to your list of services. Alkaline hydrolysis may very well be the next big thing in cremations as more people look for a truly "green" method of body disposal for themselves and their families. This is what you should know. It isn't legal in every state.

28 May 2016

Choosing A Headstone For Your Recently Deceased Loved One


When it's time to find an appropriate memorial for your loved one, you'll be faced with a number of materials, sizes and shapes. The headstone may be unique, to match the personality of the deceased, or may have to be a style consistent with the cemetery regulations. Here is how to begin your search for the perfect headstone and the options you'll encounter. Understand the Cemetery Restrictions Your first step is to get a copy of the headstone restrictions from the cemetery.

17 May 2016

Three Interesting Ways To Use Ashes After Cremation


When someone is cremated, it can be hard to know what to do with the ashes. There are some individuals who want to have their ashes spread and some who want their ashes to be saved in some way so that their loved ones can feel that they always have a piece of them. If you want to be cremated when you pass away, use the guide below to learn about a few options you may not know are available to you when it comes to the use of your ashes after you pass away.

9 May 2016